

Webinar can be taught to everyone wherever they are now.

Dr. Anderson’s two-day   DFM webinar is based   on  seminars he has honed over the last 30 years  to dozens of clients.

Relevant  class materials are selected from 6 books and hundreds previous copyrighted class handouts, and emailed a few days before the webinar to be printed by the company and distributed to each attendee  This material is selected to be relevant to your products and personally prepared and presented by him.

Integrated PPT slides and handouts have large font slides that match handouts that have 12 point text and full page graphics, like a book

The advantages of the webinar format has:

Unlimited Class Size:  There is theoretically no class limit, but webinars should be focused on the same type of product and culture, which means that all the people in all the involved sites will be trained in consistent methodologies.

Scheduling: In the Americas, a "two-day" DFM seminar is be given on four afternoons in the predominate time-zone of the attendee, which gives workers mornings to get their work done, so attendance will maximized. Webinar days do not have to be consecutive to accommodate workloads and other conflicts, which results in much better attendance.  More flexible scheduling also results in a better week choice, even spanning weeks, without travel planning complications. 

This provides  fuller, more diverse classes = better learning and better results,
especially for initiatives that span departments or sites, like rapid order fulfillment and scalability. 

Arrangements. DFM webinars can be scheduled quickly without having to set aside consecutive days or block out calendars for travel.

Presentations and Interactions.   Webinars can now be personable and interactive.   Webinar hosts, like Zoom, Go-to-Webinar, or Cisco's Webex can allow the instructor to present full-screen PowerPoint slides and then switch to a "discussion" mode, when the class sees the instructor on their screens and the instructor  sees the attendees in thumbnail images with the speaking one highlighted.  This makes the DFM webinar more personable and is used for opening remarks and all Q/A and back-and-forth discussions.  This interactive capability makes remote workshops possible.

Class preparation.  Avoiding travel results in 2-3 extra days of class preparation and  1-2 extra days that would otherwise be spent traveling and many hours making traven arrangements Further, webinars allow later input that can be incorporated into the presentation

Modularized sessions and attendance. The DFM class agenda is modularized so managers can log on for the first 4-hour session to join the class to learn what they need to do to lead and support leading-edge product development. For the second session, supply chain people can log in to learn how to optimize for part/material availability, off-the-shelf parts, and vendor/partnerships.


To see the agenda for the DFM webinar, see the page for the DFM class agenda

The webinar format is also available for Build-to-Order & Mass Customization classes.

Webinar  Proposals.  Two webinar proposals are posted at the scalability page: one is a one-day webinar for Research groups on how to structure product families for scalbility.The other is a two-day webinar for Product Development teams for scalability.   

Customized  webinars can be presented on all the 54 article offered on the home page at: www.design4manufacturability.com 

For  a webinar preview , attend the  Sept.  webinarr  on Design for Lean  Manufacturing 
2-day webinar: Sept 20-23 from 1-5 PM EST ; sponsored by QCG, who trains & certifies Bllack-Belts

Complete  description and sign-uo  at :
https://qualitysupportgroup.com/design-for-lean-manufacturing/ .


For more information, call Dr. Anderson at 1-805-924-0100
or e-mail him at anderson@build-to-order-consulting.com.
To explore the opportunities of these techniques at your company call or email
with your name, title, company, phone, types of products, and needs/opportunities


Contact information:

  Dr. David M. Anderson, P.E., CMC
fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
phone: 1-805-924-0100
fax: 1-805-924-0200

copyright © 2022 by David M. Anderson

Book-length web-site on Half Cost Products: www.HalfCostProducts.com

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