Becoming an innovative company on the next project GOALS; establish goals in percent improvement for next project , selected for the greatest overall opportunity. Then, based on tht, structure product development strategies to accomplish those goals in the next project starting with: Education and Learning: The first step is to ensure everyone on the extended team is educated on the most effective product development methodologies through
Metrics: proportion of time for thorough up-front work, as presented in the lower graphs of Figures 2-1 and 3-1 in all editions of the DFM book and as shown below. Cost: The "cost" that matters the most is the selling price.Section 3.8 in the 2020 DFM book on Half Cost Product development focuses on 9 cost categories that cost results range from half to 10 times less! The easiest to implement at that level of cost savings (without needing to change the cost system) is material overhead (Section 3.8.10: "Material Overhead Can be Cut by 10 Times").
full article:ADVANCED NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTThis is how the leading Product development expert uses his 30 years experience and a 600 pave DFM book to teach companies how to the most advanced product development methodologies: The full feedback form on the front page of all three web-sites start and end by asking about "Challenges, Goals, and Opportunities." However, many companies and broader initiatives don’t get further then contemplating their challenges. Companies and imitative leaders will need to summarize their challenges and convey these so their expert can start formulating solutions. This thought-leader expert can confidently claim to be able to show how to start solving all product development challenges. His 600 page DFM book includes 70 discussions of challenges and over 100 on solutions including discussions and references. The on-line white-paper is titled: "Concurrent Engineering of Challenging Projects." GOALS: The next information to get conveyed to the expert are the goals. , which should be normalized compared to the current state, which will determine what advanced methodologies need to be learned applied, for instance;
Rather than just issuing "show-me -the-money goals, the ambitiousness of the goals must determine how many of these advanced methodologies must be learned and applied. All of this will require optimal strategies. The 2020 DFM book has 22 sections with "Strategy"" in the title! Section 3.1 (Design Strategy) recommends "starting early to solve major problems at the concept/architecture level/" See the most frequently updated page on on this site; which is on on Strategy. This is the most advanced product development course available because original principles based on six books and three web-sites that is not available from any other books, web-sites or courses. These unique principles will show you how to : This DFM section is the most effective and practical class available because:
So the most Advanced NPD course will provide much more than the usual "canned material taught by staff trainers to only teach engineers guidelines "teaching" tools that may use software that look for “opportunities” after something is designed, which is discouraged, as shown in the articles “Why it is so hard to reduce cost or "implement" DFM after design” at http://www.halfcostproducts.com/how_not_to_lower_cost.htm and 7 Reasons Why “Cost Reduction” Attempts after Design Doesn’t Work;' at: http://design4manufacturability.com/cost_redu ction.htm Finish Design in Half the time to Stable Production with thorough up front work, which is a unique theme of this course.
For more on the right graph, see the article "Time to Innovate"
For hyper-links to the explanations of how these work, go to the article on half-cost-products. The overhead categories that can be reduced 10 times do generate so little overhead cost that they should not be charged any overhead at all, thus ensuring that those cost savings will make it to the selling price of the products designed by the principles presented only in this course. Many designs will work, but only one will be the lowest cost.
Since the course presents many new ways (above) to proactively design substantially lower product costs, that can eliminate the common practice of substituting cheaper parts, "to save parts," which degrades quality and adds many variables, which complicates quality programs and product development itself. Eliminating one of the worst counter-productive practices will then minimize variables that cause serious problems that range from quality to product development itself!, Too many change orders and variables slow ramps, and paradoxically raise quality costs. For a discussion on many quality costs, see the article on Cost of Quality at http://www.halfcostproducts.com/cost_of_quality.htm This summarizes a list of cost of quality categories published by the American Society of Quality. The course section on DFM principles presents many design guidelines that optimize assembly and also improve quality by mistake-proofing the design. This is called Poka-yoke in Japanese and English classes that show how to design for Poka-Yoke are rare. The leading-edge DFM section will also show how to do-it-right-the-first time, which will greatly reduce change-orders, which cost money, drain resources, add variables and have serious consequences. The course will also cite many leading companies, like Toyota, that says that late design changes are "expensive, suboptimal, and always degrade both product and process performance." Another section correlates the cumulative effect of part count and quality statistically and encourages design simplification significantly reduces the number of parts and electrical connections. This is covered in the article on Designing for Quality which illustrates this with a graph that shows, for instance, that if a product has 500 parts that are all 99.9% good, then one third of the products will fail assuming perfect manufacturing
Achieve major cost reductions with just a few resources with Backward-Comparable “Drop-in” Replacements, e.g for sub-assemblies like hard-to-build frames and structures This can save a lot of money now replacing hard-to-build, high-skill versions, both on existing products and then become the foundation of new generation product developments
Design for Lean Production Platforms Families each of which can be Built On-Demand Without Inventory This course is unique in showing how to concurrently engineer product families and flexible production cell equipment. This course has a unique section on Design for Lean and Build-to-Order, which will make Lean Production easier to implement with much more effective results while making Build-to-Order practical with Spontaneous Supply Chains and eliminating forecasted inventory. The class enables what makes Lean possible and successful, such
as: IMPLEMENTATION Ways to implement the most advanced product development: Company implementation.
NPD Champions and Task Forces Hold a customized class for Champions or an Implementation Task force New Project Hold a customized class and workshop for a important project that will apply all the principles in a micro-climate or skunk-works. Multi-functional Learning Team The fastest way to implement the most advanced NPD system is to arrange a customized class for a multi-function team to immediate apply everything taught to a project where all the principles to apply to new projects microclimate as introduced in this course , which would be enhances if the project had its own project room
The official page of the Breakthrough Energy Coalition (led by the most famous high-tech leaders) is quoted as saying
Any research organization that has this problem, needs , first, Manufacturable Research, and, it that is not done, needs commercialization. Manufacturable Research This is a unique set of methodologies that, for the first time, shows research labs many "low-hanging-fruit" cost savings that can easily be done in research efforts to ensure that whatever comes out of Research will result in manufacturable and scalable products. This is described in the article on Manufacturability Research, Commercialize Innovation for Manufacturability This is also a unique aspect of this Advanced NPD course. If research efforts have not done the above references "Manufacturable Research," then they will need to commercialize patents or acquired technologies or just proofs-of-principles that were designed without any thought of manufacturability. See article at on commercialization at http://www.halfcostproducts.com/commercialization.htm STRATEGYAs in all pages on this sit all the leading, most effective principles and methodologies presented presented in the author's 600 page book, which is summarized in 6 sentences on the books page organized in 800 section titles with those that are new or unique printed in italic in both the Table of Contents AND Index.
Strategy for Advanced Product Development Strategy should be based on
knowledgeable premises and the right goals PRODUCT →DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY
Lack of Strategy Before discussing how the wrong premise has affected proper strategy development, it might be useful to observe how often poor strategy, or lack of strategy, can result in just calls for action such as: we must do more -- with greater urgency!
What the Wong Premise Can do to StrategyDecades ago, the premise for product development was that companies had to choose between cost, quality and time-to-market!Proponents of this premise would quip: "we can only have two, " while cynics said, "maybe that is only one." One leading management "guru" book confidently said that companies had to make the "winner's choice about which one(s) to be good and use as a competitive weapon.The flip side of such faulty think was to
identify which companies were worst at, and then use the only desperate
measures they could think of, like substituting
cheap parts, low-bidding, and
OffshorIng , which is
known to
waste 2/3 of product development
Then 30 years ago, the first edition of author's DFM book came out with the sub-title: Optimizing Cost, Quality, and Time-to-Market" (see cover at right). And this site and the latest 2014 book shows how to do all that. →The General Strategy to avoid an either/or Dilemma
Supporting Strategies
This strategy assured the best customer satisfaction at the lowest cost at the highest quality at the fastest time to stable production For example, a vast array of the following proven off-the-shelf modules are readily available:
Ultra-Low-Cost frames can be built can be built automatically on programmable machine tools working in flexible cells using Cellular/Flexible Manufacturing principle and then be assembled by local labor rigidly and precisely by DFM principles. Again, a key element to success is to implement this
Dr. David M. Anderson, fASME, P.E., CMC copyright © 2022 by David M. Anderson Book-length web-site on Half Cost Products: www.HalfCostProducts.com [DFM Consulting] [DFM Seminars] [DFM Webinars] [DFM Books] [Credentials] [Clients] [Site Map] [DFM article] [Half Cost Products site] [Standardization article] [Mass Customization article] [BTO article] [Rationalization article]